How to Care for Your Skin Post-Halloween

We love Halloween!

But let's be honest, it's not the best for your skin - lots of makeup, late nights, some pimple-friendly sugar, and maybe even a few dehydrating cocktails.

So how do you get back your healthy glow?

Skin Care Routine

1. First Cleanse:

Heavy makeup requires a serious cleanser. Look for an oil-based cleanser to remove the majority of your makeup. 

2. The Second Cleanse:

Use a clarifying cleanser and follow the 60-second rule. Rub the cleanser all over your face for a full minute, in order to clean out those pores and get the most stubborn oil and makeup off. Plus, this technique gives your face a massage to relieve some stress while encouraging circulation!

3. Micellar Rinse:

Removes any makeup that may still be left, while the lightweight oil in micellar water begins the rehydration process.

4. Facial Oil:

A facial oil product is a great way to add softness and moisture to your face. If you’re prone to breakouts you might want to skip this step.

5. Moisturizer:

It will help to lock in the oil and replace the moisture that was sucked out by the makeup you used. 

6. Eye Serum:

The skin around your eyes is very fragile. Treat your eyes with a little Serum to give them more love and attention.

7. Lip Love:

Invest in a great lip conditioner for the day after Halloween and every night before bedtime. It’s a great way to add softness and moisture to your lips. 

8. No-Makeup Day:

While you’re recovering from the fun, let your face recover too. Try to opt for a no-makeup day if possible. If it’s not, go for less. Maybe a little mascara and lipstick.

A few extra steps before you put on your makeup, using quality makeup to achieve your look, a clarifying cleanser followed up with a hydrating and rejuvenating moisturizer will help your skin recover quickly. With these tips, you’ll look frightful for Halloween but not the day after!

We have a wonderful selection of quality products for every skin type in our shop. Feel free to contact us if you need some help finding the best products for you!