Powder Brows vs Microblading
Which Treatment Suits You Better?
Natural-looking eyebrows are totally in style right now, unlike tattooed brows, which are permanent, both Powder brows and Microblading are semi-permanent. And it is a good thing that they don’t last forever so in case some new trend shows up or thin eyebrows come back in style, you can change your brows. You don’t want anything permanent on your face.
At AskCares, we are proud to provide some of the best semi-permanent makeup services. We strive to use the most modern permanent makeup techniques to create beautiful natural results with amazing retention.
If you are still deciding what to choose Microblading or Powder Brows, let’s take a closer look at both of them and highlight the differences.
Microblading is depositing pigment into your skin by using microfine needles and creating 3D hair strokes. The tip of these needles is so fine, in fact, that it can create hair strokes that look legit. And the needles reach only into the superficial layers of the skin, which is what makes the method semi-permanent. It gives a very natural look and better simulates hair.
This method is suitable for candidates who have plenty of existing hair to blend with the created strokes. For those who have light and fine hair, it’s not recommended as the strokes will heal to be a bit thicker and may not blend naturally. Also, people with oily skin are not good candidates for this technique.
Powder Brows
Powder Brows is the newest shading technique that uses either an electric hand tool or a manual tool, creating a soft, powdered effect that resembles eyebrow powder. The needle which is used fills powder in the brows using very small dots of pigment and has a very defined shading shape. It is important to note it does not look “blocky” or heavy when done correctly. It is 100% customizable and just semi-permanent.
It is great for anyone who wants a soft and natural look. This shadowing technique is minimally invasive, lasts longer, and can be buildable from light to dark.
Will It Suit My Skin Type?
Not suitable for oily skin type. Oily skin requires several touch-ups, which causes more trauma to the skin.
Best for: Anyone who wants a natural brow look that lasts and wants to save time when applying makeup. Also, great for those who have darker hair and want more volume.
How Painful Are These Treatments?
Whatever procedure you decide to go for, you will not suffer a lot of pain because the treated area is numbed before the process. However:
Microblading can be a little bit more uncomfortable since some bleeding is involved. This is due to the fact that incisions are made during the treatment.
But there is nothing to worry about – the pain included is not unbearable, it is similar to the discomfort you feel of quick paper cuts.
Powder brows are less painful due to the airbrush-like technique we apply, which creates less trauma to the skin. Minimal to zero blood surfaces during the procedure.
You might feel a similar sensation to an electric toothbrush pressed against the skin or rapid tweezing, some discomfort is to be expected as a needle is utilized.
Will It Suit My Skin Type?
Powder Brows
Powder Brows
Good for any skin type.
Best for: Anyone who wants brows to look thick and filled in. For clients with combination or oily skin. Also, it is better for mature skin because that type of skin has less collagen and becomes thinner with age.
What About the Healing Process?
Microblading takes about 2-3 weeks for the redness to disappear. It requires 7 days of dry healing for your brows to gain the final look. It scabs to fall off in patches. There are some aftercare rules to follow.
Powder brows have less healing downtime and require at least 3 days of dry healing. You might feel disappointed immediately after the treatment because your brows will appear to be too dark but then they will start to scab. Powder brows scab in one big (or a few big) piece.
Which One Lasts Longer?
Microblading: You'll need a touch-up in about a month. This method can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months. For some clients, it could be from 12 months to three years, depending on the lifestyle.
Powder Brows: Excluding the first touch-up in about a month after your first initial session, you have at least a solid year before you need to see your brow artist again.
This method can easily last up to 24 months. For some clients, it could be beyond three years. Naturally, if you follow the steps given by the artist and take care of your brows properly, they will last and look good longer.
Will it Still Look Natural?
Whatever treatment you choose, you will not make a mistake, since both of them result in natural-looking eyebrows. Immediately after the treatments brows can appear more saturated and bold, however, brows will fade 20-30%, leaving a very soft finish and shape that will allow you to quickly groom your brows going forward.
How Much Do These Treatments Cost?
At AskCares, Microblading and Powder Brows cost the same price, so there is no pressure to choose a technique when you make your appointment. The First 20 to 40 minutes of your session with us will serve as a consultation so that the technician can assess your features, listen to your personal preferences and help you decide what would be best.
The prices for Microblading or Powder brows treatments are from $495 to $645, depending on the technician, it can go up to $745 if you choose to have a combo of Microblading and Powder Brows (This combo is good for those who have particular emptiness in their brows or patchy spots, and/or for those who just want fuller-looking brows).
Also, there are some additional costs of touch-ups, which cost around $100/$120. Bearing in mind that eyebrows are the most prominent feature of your face, this is not a moment to try to save money.
Where To Have It Done?
Before booking an appointment, make sure you choose an excellent artist to perform the job. Ask around or go online to find certified and experienced professional who takes pride in a lot of satisfied customers, and AskCares, Studio City is definitely one of them.
Our technicians are all certified eyebrows artists with extensive experience in brows correction. We understand the client’s facial structure that helps to design amazing-looking brows, that add symmetry to the face, creating a stunning fuller look for our clients.
If still in need of some answers regarding Microblading or Powder Brows, feel free to contact us!
We’ll be happy to help you.